Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My sweet boy

It is just ripping out my heart to see my little Israel. I am not sure how much is chemical, and how much is because daddy is not around much, but he is in a deep depression. He is 5 and already is having depression like an adult. He cries all the time. He wouldn't eat a thing all day today. He just has this sad look on his face and won't even go out to play. He sleeps 15+ hours at night and is starting naps again. He sleeps with me every night with his arms around me and his head on my shoulder and freaks if I even move. I was falling off the bed last night and didn't dare move.

It is just breaking my heart and I know it is going to get much worse when Ben is actually in Iraq and gone completely. How am I supposed to help him? I can't just sit back and watch. Sometimes I just hold him and want to cry feeling so helpless as to how to help him. I wish the politicians in charge of all this war stuff could see what they are doing to the helpless, innocent children. It's really tearing me to pieces.

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