Saturday, January 17, 2009

Is anybody else a little worried by these outbreaks?

I enjoy growing my own food and knowing what is on/in it. That is why when we had the big Samonilla outbreak on tomatoes last year, I didn't have to worry. I grew my own. But this year, peanut butter and peanut paste (which is in sooooo many things)? That is one thing I actually buy instead of making. This is not the first time that there has been a peanut butter outbreak either. Is anybody else getting worried about all these Samonilla outbreaks?

Sure, most the time it doesn't kill, but dieing is not the worst of it! Have you ever experienced it? I sure have and when you are in the middle of it, dieing doesn't sound like such a bad thing. It certainly isn't something I want my kids to have to go through and they eat a HUGE amount of peanut butter. What is next? Cereal? Fruit snacks? Rice? I am glad I grow what I can, but there is so much I don't. It just worries me that the outbreaks seem to be getting more and more common. Am I the only one who has noticed this? I sure hope not. Maybe I should add peanuts to my garden this year. Hmmm...

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