Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ok, so it has been FOREVER again since I wrote anything on here, but I will try to start again. I don't have a whole lot of time, but I will try to update today and hopefully will get to do more of this in the future.

Starting with Ben, nothing much has changed. Things are normal at work. We have made the decision to leave the army after this enlistment in about two and a half years. Not 100% sure what we will do after that other than we will be returning to Idaho. We have some ideas but it will be a while before we know for sure as it is so far off.

As for me, I just completed another semester in school and with a 4.0! Way excited about that. I am planning on a degree in Web design and interactive media. I am having so much fun with it and never would have guessed it just a few months/years ago.

Eden is doing ok. She has been sick for forever so we are trying to get her better. Hopefully it won't be much longer. She is being very mature and is quite the help around here even when she is sick.

Israel is his normal, handful self. He is starting to notice how he is a little different than others and asking questions. It is hard sometimes to know what to say to him. But he is a happy little guy that really loves his siblings.

Celestial is still our easiest one. I know you aren't supposed to label the kids, but she really is. She has been testing her boundaries lately but even her hard days are so much easier than the other kids easy days.

Luci is set on growing up. She is constantly telling us how she is growing up and her teeth are falling out. If we tell her she won't loose them until she is around 7 she tells us she just turned 7 so we just let it be lol.

Cumorah is happy just being who she is. She has no interest in learning to walk and is happy pretty much all the time. Always seems to have a smile on her face. She loves to jabber to everyone and really seems to know what she is saying.

Elijah is walking all over the place. He is very weary of new circumstances and people and will stare new faces down. It is a lot tougher to get a smile out of him if you aren't close family. The twins love to play together and jabber together. When we put them down for naps they stand up and start playing and talking to eachother until they get tired. It is so cute. I really love having twins.

So, that has brought us up to speed I think. Hope you are all doing well.

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