Sunday, March 1, 2009

It actually snowed today!

For Idaho, no big deal. But for southern Alabama, BIG DEAL! It never snows here. Ben woke me up this morning telling me it was snowing and it still is! The kids were so excited. Especially Israel. He has been wanting snow so much. They played in it with our neighbor, Sara for a while, except Celestial. The poor girl has a fever and threw up on me last night so I am making her rest. She would love to play but is NOT feeling up to it and I am sure the snow will be gone by tonight if not tomorrow.

Luci's eyes were huge as she looked up and stuck her hand out. I tried to take a pic but we are watching a neighbors dog for her while she is out of town and just as I had the camera ready, he ran her over and now she won't let me put her down. But she is lovin the snow. I do not like the cold, but I do like the idea of having a day or two of snow before we go back to our spring and summer weather. I love the south. The weather is so perfect for me. The cold weather in Idaho is one of the few things that make me nervous about moving back. That and not being near big places like Atlanta and Montgomery for things to do when we need to get out. Man I love it here!

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